1. I love you, too! (She says this anytime we say, "I love you, Jada." She also said it the other day when I was kissing on her on the cheek, which melted my heart!)
2. LET GO! (Said frequently, particularly when she wants the washcloth that I'm cleaning her face with, or when we're trying to take the remote control or my phone away from her!)
3. Bless you! (Her response when we sneeze, cough, clear our throats....)
4. Thank you! (She doesn't even have to be told to say it, which is kind of adorable!)
5. Stop it! (She repeats this one over and over when she's about to do something I don't like! Pretty funny!)
6. Get Down! (Says this one as she attempts to climb onto the kitchen table for the tenth time in a day!)
7. Oh no!, Uh oh!
8. Wha doing? ("What are you doing?" Again usually when she's trying to get attention for climbing up something!)
9. Your bottom! (As in "Jada, get on your bottom instead of standing, jumping, climbing on whatever piece of furniture you're closest to!")
10. Yeppee! (Yes, please!)
11. Ook at me! (This one means danger! It means, "Look, I'm about to jump off of whatever I've climbed or stand on it no-handed!")
Some of the funny single words she's picked up:
Stinky; Poop; MOOOOOO! (shouts it anytime I show her an animal!); Hop-pee hop-pee (bunny's noise); Pop Tart (yes, I'm very ashamed!); Princess and Castle (thanks to playtime with Aubree!); Doc (another one from Aubree!); Coke (no, we're not giving it to her, but she likes to find my empty cans)...
Oh, and she's found her body parts, and likes to find everyone's "buttons," eyes, nose, mouths, teeth, etc. Beware that she may just randomly poke you in the eye while you're holding her and say "eye" out of nowhere. Also, to interpret much of what Jada says you have to add first letters to many of her words (ie. unkey= monkey, ook= book, hulk= milk, aci=paci, ookie= cookie)
There are too many to list, but I felt like blogging after our tug-of-war with her washcloth this morning at breakfast, and her telling me very sternly to "Let Go!!!"
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