Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

Jada's costume makes her look huge!

Best Buddies!

Their almost matching red shoes had these two completely over-the-top excited!

The Cowardly Lion and Dorothy! Very cute, but a little disappointed that the Scarecrow and Tin Man did not make an appearance. C'mon Rick and Christy! I was looking forward to seeing that!

Tristan (thinking "What in the world?")

This Halloween was a blast! It's the greatest day to live in a neighborhood! This was the first year that Aubree was REALLY excited about her costume and trick-or-treating, and to add to her enthusiasm, she got a surprise visit from Grandma and Grandpa Cain and got to go door to door with her favorite buddies, Catrece, Zoe-Grace, and Aliza.

Jada had a great time too! She figured things out after the first house when someone put candy in her basket. Her eyes lit up and she got a lot more "pep in her step." You could just see the light bulb moment. She was her typical happy self most of the night and actually walked/ran for about 45 minutes of the hour we spent trick-or-treating! She was happy to have Grandma and Grandpa along to keep pace with her while Mommy was making sure Aubree stayed out of the street.

We were quite a parade with Catrece, Aubree, and Zoe-Grace in the lead racing to the doors with moms trying to keep up; Aliza about 3 steps behind them; Jada next, trucking along with my mom and dad, and the guys straggling behind with Rick pushing Tristan in the stroller. Very fun!

** More pictures to follow! These are Christy's. Chris took his to work. My camera is broken.

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