Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Crazy (and cute) Harmonica Player

Aubree's really been enjoying the harmonica that we found in the piano bench. I think we got it for her some time last year and apparently "put it away".

These videos have a progression...they get better as you go!

I really like her transition from fast to slow in this one!

She's moving around a lot in this last one, so if you are prone to motion sickness, might want to prepare yourself!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

A few pictures of our holiday in Ohio! The girls had a GREAT time playing together!

Here they are... bright and early!

Somebody REALLY likes Thanksgiving!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Big Hearts!

We had Aubree place her hand in her hand print ornament from last year... well not really "in"... this mama wasn't prepared for how much her sweet little hand has grown in just one year.

I also wasn't prepared to hear her prayers as we packed her Operation Christmas Child's shoe box. It was so touching. She prayed for each little thing... "Dear Jesus, please let our girl like her new bouncy ball. Amen... Dear Jesus, please let my little girl have fun with her light up toy. Amen... Dear Jesus, please let our Christmas child like brushing her teeth with this toothbrush and toothpaste. Amen, etc." It was so sweet. I actually got teared up.

Nothing is better than being able to watch her learn and grow her "Jesus Heart, Jesus Hands, and Jesus Lips." (That's our motto around here!) She's recently been telling me, "Jada and I have the biggest hearts in the whole world!" Not sure where she picked up that phrase, but I like it!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jada's Phrases

In addition to her regular words, Jada is picking up some new phrases, which I hear is a baby milestone. Here are a few off the top of my head that she says often.

1. I love you, too! (She says this anytime we say, "I love you, Jada." She also said it the other day when I was kissing on her on the cheek, which melted my heart!)

2. LET GO! (Said frequently, particularly when she wants the washcloth that I'm cleaning her face with, or when we're trying to take the remote control or my phone away from her!)

3. Bless you! (Her response when we sneeze, cough, clear our throats....)

4. Thank you! (She doesn't even have to be told to say it, which is kind of adorable!)

5. Stop it! (She repeats this one over and over when she's about to do something I don't like! Pretty funny!)

6. Get Down! (Says this one as she attempts to climb onto the kitchen table for the tenth time in a day!)

7. Oh no!, Uh oh!

8. Wha doing? ("What are you doing?" Again usually when she's trying to get attention for climbing up something!)

9. Your bottom! (As in "Jada, get on your bottom instead of standing, jumping, climbing on whatever piece of furniture you're closest to!")

10. Yeppee! (Yes, please!)

11. Ook at me! (This one means danger! It means, "Look, I'm about to jump off of whatever I've climbed or stand on it no-handed!")

Some of the funny single words she's picked up:
Stinky; Poop; MOOOOOO! (shouts it anytime I show her an animal!); Hop-pee hop-pee (bunny's noise); Pop Tart (yes, I'm very ashamed!); Princess and Castle (thanks to playtime with Aubree!); Doc (another one from Aubree!); Coke (no, we're not giving it to her, but she likes to find my empty cans)...

Oh, and she's found her body parts, and likes to find everyone's "buttons," eyes, nose, mouths, teeth, etc. Beware that she may just randomly poke you in the eye while you're holding her and say "eye" out of nowhere. Also, to interpret much of what Jada says you have to add first letters to many of her words (ie. unkey= monkey, ook= book, hulk= milk, aci=paci, ookie= cookie)

There are too many to list, but I felt like blogging after our tug-of-war with her washcloth this morning at breakfast, and her telling me very sternly to "Let Go!!!"

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

More Halloween Pics

Love this pic of Jada and Aubree with Gma and Gpa Cain!

Oh, Tigger, you melt my heart!

So cute!

Catrece, Zoe-Grace, Aubree & Aliza

Jada, Tristan & Aubree

Happy Halloween

Jada's costume makes her look huge!

Best Buddies!

Their almost matching red shoes had these two completely over-the-top excited!

The Cowardly Lion and Dorothy! Very cute, but a little disappointed that the Scarecrow and Tin Man did not make an appearance. C'mon Rick and Christy! I was looking forward to seeing that!

Tristan (thinking "What in the world?")

This Halloween was a blast! It's the greatest day to live in a neighborhood! This was the first year that Aubree was REALLY excited about her costume and trick-or-treating, and to add to her enthusiasm, she got a surprise visit from Grandma and Grandpa Cain and got to go door to door with her favorite buddies, Catrece, Zoe-Grace, and Aliza.

Jada had a great time too! She figured things out after the first house when someone put candy in her basket. Her eyes lit up and she got a lot more "pep in her step." You could just see the light bulb moment. She was her typical happy self most of the night and actually walked/ran for about 45 minutes of the hour we spent trick-or-treating! She was happy to have Grandma and Grandpa along to keep pace with her while Mommy was making sure Aubree stayed out of the street.

We were quite a parade with Catrece, Aubree, and Zoe-Grace in the lead racing to the doors with moms trying to keep up; Aliza about 3 steps behind them; Jada next, trucking along with my mom and dad, and the guys straggling behind with Rick pushing Tristan in the stroller. Very fun!

** More pictures to follow! These are Christy's. Chris took his to work. My camera is broken.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

October birthdays

Guess we didn't take any great pictures, but we had a house full of fifteen fabulous people over the weekend for my family's October (and November) birthdays. Thanks for coming down here everyone! Hope you all had a good time!
As usual, it seems we mostly just took pictures of the kids.

The Kids

A little fall photo shoot of four of my favorite people!

Rocking in the Suburbs

"Mommy, I don't have time to have my hair done. I'm creating art here."
Loving Jada's hands and posture when she is really getting down on the keys.
Her big sister is a captive and sweet audience-- today.
Sometimes they battle over who gets to play. They're not too great at sharing the piano bench,

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Gushing over my Baby!

In case I've neglected to mention it, YOU make me happy! Love the way you dance to a perfect beat the second you hear music playing. I adore the way you try to sing to every song you hear by copying the vowel sounds at the end of every line. I love how you can eat all of your dinner and still be "hungwy" for whatever Aubree has left on her plate. You make me laugh when you pretend to eat and make "chomp" noises. You are always happy and always ready to give hugs and kisses. You say "Hi" to everyone you see, which makes grocery store trips much longer than they should be, but it also makes my heart happy to see you sharing your joyful little spirit with strangers. You are a delight, little blessing!
I love you (and I love that you can now say "I love you, too!") You are a sunny little girl who makes Mommy very, very proud and happy!

Friday, September 30, 2011

3 Minutes in the Busy Life of Jada

Jada, did you steal Mommy's remote control?

Uh-oh, busted!
I'm innocent, Mommy....
I've just been playing some tunes on the piano....
Petting my doggy
Reading some fine literature on your Kindle....
Okay, fine, you got me, but Sesame Street was on Channel 20!!

Just Playing the the Backyard

Fearless one!
Ready or Not, Here I Come!
They're both longing for my lemonade cup!
a little wrestling match for the last few drops of my lemonade.
Aubree's explaining to Jada that it's really all gone.
Most of it ended up down the front of Jada's clothes.
Gotta love how she requires 3-4 outfits a day!

Too big, too fast!

Aubree is growing up right before our very eyes! She is a little more camera shy than Jada. Her best smiles are first thing in the morning. I love being the one who wakes her up and gets those first little happy grins.
Showing off her new dress on "picture day" at preschool.
Today since it was "picture day" I told her to try to think of something that always made her smile and giggle. She thought about it for awhile and decided on"Tickle Kisses" from Daddy. (He kisses her back and tickles her with his whiskers.)
Here's the little slugger concentrating hard!
She liked sporting her new bibs on library day, and
I liked them because they made my big girl look a little more like a baby!!
She's growing up too fast!