We took a little mini-vacation down to Brown County this past weekend. Here are a couple of shots from my phone. Hopefully there are some more good ones on our camera!

Vacation was loads of fun! Here is Aubree riding a pony, named Oreo. She was super excited at first, but about halfway around the track she said she was done. Luckily, we were able to distract her and keep her on for the full lap!

There's a nature center at the park, and this was the scene out at the bird viewing area. Apparently raccoons dine there for some easy access bird seed!

And here's a snake down by one of the lakes. Hard to tell what kind it is... Let's hope it wasn't poisonous!

Aubree was also excited about this fuzzy caterpillar.
I don't think we got any pictures, but Aubree was also excited about the lookout "tower" up on one of the hills in the park. We told her it was a princess tower! Is that wrong? Those of you familiar with Brown County know which tower I'm talking about.
The hotel we stayed at had a pretty awesome pool. Aubree wasn't too thrilled about the parts of the pool where she couldn't touch, but she did get braver by the last day and would float down the lazy river on some noodles with minimal hand-holding.
Jada, on the other hand always wanted to put her face in the water! She was even bending her knees to jump to us off of the under water benches. It's funny to find the things that Jada wants to do more than Aubree.

Daddy likes to grow out his hair for vacation! Sure grows fast. Seems like I had just shaved it on Friday...
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