This was the first year that Santa came to our house on Christmas Eve. Maybe we're finally off of the naughty list.

Santa left Aubree a new tent, so we can stop rearranging the living room for our blanket tents.

Jada got a new train, but don't tell Aubree because she thinks it's hers.

Jada looks like she's okay with sharing it.

Aubree's favorite present was this set of Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Pez dispensers. She now carries Doc everywhere she goes. She can tell them all apart and has long games of "pretend" with them. Today she had Dopey on Sneezy's shoulders dancing with Snow White and yodelling- kind of hilarious if you know the movie at all.

Here's a view through the tunnel of her tent. Gotta love the big grins.
It was definitely nice to be home for Christmas (no offense, Moms). Aubree was so funny. She wouldn't open her next gift until the current gift was fully out of the package and operational, and she'd played wiith it a little bit. It took a loooooong time to open presents, but it was a ton of fun. Oh, and everytime she opened a present, and she could tell what it was, she'd give a cute little breathless, "Oh, man!" I don't know where she got that, but we were cracking up all morning.
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