Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Aubree's Faves

Just so I can tell Aubree someday..
Your likes:
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, especially Doc. You've started sleeping with a Doc Pez dispenser. (Poor Dora got dumped.) You can recognize and name all of the dwarfs.
  • PUZZLES- You have four wooden puzzles that we do about 3 times a day. 24- 48 pieces. It's a little creepy watching you breeze through them.
  • "Tipping" At this rate, someday you're going to be out tipping cows because you love to suddenly yell, "Tiiiiiip" and knock over whoever is on the floor playing with you.
  • Fruit Snacks, Fishsticks, French Fries, .... the 3 "F's" ....anything unhealthy for you. The exception to this, Prunes. You love 'em. They're about the only healthy thing you like. You get mad when I have to stop you at two.
  • Your little sister. You are doing great with her as long as you're not in the "tipping" mood.
  • Your friends & cousins. You ask me everyday if you're going to get to see friends.
  • Bubbles. I can't get the dishes done without you climbing on the chair beside me and getting both of us soaked.
  • Stories, you love all of Jada's new Christmas books, you like "Mommy's Best Kisses." You also like "The Cat in the Hat," the longest story you'll listen to.
  • Doing "dots" with Daddy. Connecting the dots on daddy's touchscreen phone is your nighttime ritual.
  • Tea Parties. You even add cream and sugar to my invisible tea.

Silly things,

  • Today your preschool teacher told me you were extra clumsy at school today. You're mama's girl. haha... hope this is not a sign of things to come and that you were just tired from having Catrece over for a sleepover.
  • Today I said, "Aubree, you have such a good Daddy." You matter-of-factly replied, "I know. He makes me pancakes."

Monday, January 3, 2011

Baby Bath

Jada on her 8 month birthday. She is getting quite roly-poly these days. Do all moms think their babies are this irresistible? I even thought she was cute after she had created the stinky little mess that spurred this quick little bath in the kitchen sink.


Putting Jada in Aubree's dress-up clothes finally convinced her that she wanted to try on a princess dress. Now if I could convince her to let us brush her hair occasionally, we'd be all set.
We did convince her that her princess dress might look better without fleece pajamas although not for long. Here is Princess Aubree hosting a tea party:
Jada won us all over with this look, and I forgot and sported the blue plastic bling until bedtime. At least it matched my Colts jersey. (Go BLUE!)

Santa came!

This was the first year that Santa came to our house on Christmas Eve. Maybe we're finally off of the naughty list.
Santa left Aubree a new tent, so we can stop rearranging the living room for our blanket tents.

Jada got a new train, but don't tell Aubree because she thinks it's hers.

Jada looks like she's okay with sharing it.

Aubree's favorite present was this set of Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Pez dispensers. She now carries Doc everywhere she goes. She can tell them all apart and has long games of "pretend" with them. Today she had Dopey on Sneezy's shoulders dancing with Snow White and yodelling- kind of hilarious if you know the movie at all.

Here's a view through the tunnel of her tent. Gotta love the big grins.
It was definitely nice to be home for Christmas (no offense, Moms). Aubree was so funny. She wouldn't open her next gift until the current gift was fully out of the package and operational, and she'd played wiith it a little bit. It took a loooooong time to open presents, but it was a ton of fun. Oh, and everytime she opened a present, and she could tell what it was, she'd give a cute little breathless, "Oh, man!" I don't know where she got that, but we were cracking up all morning.

Jada at 8 months

Jada hit eight months on the 26th of December. She continues to be a joyful little girl. She has two little teeth on the bottom, but she seems to be taking the teething thing with her usual cheery outlook. She's becoming pretty busy as far as exploring goes. She's good at finding the dog's toys and other things she's not supposed to have. She's such the perfect addition to our family. She's the best mood-booster ever!

She's ready to crawl, but just not quite there yet.

Still generous with the smiles...

Doing lots of "talking"... lots of "da," still no "ma"

She's also getting really strong at standing. We're wondering if she'll cruise before she crawls.

Christmas at Mom's

"I once saw a goat do this."

The nice thing about eating wrapping paper-- I stayed nice and tidy for my first Christmas at Grandma's."
Checking out the new table... her new permanent hangout.

Caleb pouring some "milkshake" for Aubree.

Somebody has her big cousin wrapped around her little finger.

Jada likes the new table, too. Although she needs some practice sitting in the chairs. She fell out about two seconds after I took this picture. I blame Grandma Patty. ;-) I'm sure I wasn't being negligent while trying to get a cute picture.

Caleb, did you get something from Bath & Body Works?

Mom, love the necklace! New facebook profile pic?

Awww... very cute, you two-- three!

Chris, looking very excited that he got a present!

Self-portrait... just being a dork.

Shay, you look mahhh-velous dahhhh-ling!

Yogurt Raisins-- they barely made it home.

Jada keeping Great-Grandma Margie company.
THANKS everyone for all of the nice gifts for us and the girls. Our house is feeling a little like Toys-R-Us now, and we've done nothing but have tea parties for the last week.
Hopefully, we'll have more pictures from our OHIO Christmas soon! We forgot to use our camera. Agh! Please forgive us, and please send us pictures. Tons of love and thanks to you guys, too!!!