Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I have skills now, folks!

In the last few weeks Aubree has gained some fun new abilities. My favorites are the hand clapping and dancing. Nothing is better than getting a round of applause when I go to pick her up or get her out of her crib. I also get a huge kick out of watching her sway and bop along with songs. This kid has serious rhythm. I love it!

She's also hit some big milestones. She's pulling herself up, cruising along the chairs and couches, doing a cool little ninja roll across the living room, and, yes, it's official, she's crawling. She's excited all the time. When she gets going, she can bounce her way across the room, and she has this cute little pant/giggle thing going for her that cracks us up! *Video to follow (I hope.)

She has started sticking her tongue out when prompted, and she has two teeth, and I think I felt one coming in on the top today. I know that teething is not a skill, but it's a milestone nevertheless. Her vocabulary consists of: "bah" for bottle, "mama" when she is upset, and a constant stream of "dadadada" and "deeder deeder deeder," which means her fist is in her mouth and she is shouting. Fun times!

1 comment:

Baby Donaghy said...

Yeah! Now you can chase after her as she crawls, too! I've been getting a workout over here. I actually bought two new baby gates today to try to contain my lil' lady! :) I had fun hanging out the other night. We need to do it again- and soon!