Wednesday, July 30, 2008

good times!

We had such a fun afternoon! Aubree is so full of smiles and giggles. These are the best times ever!

So blessed!

"Hey, Dad, those whiskers tickle!"

I love these two!

Family Pictures

We went to Sears earlier this month and had some pictures taken. We took pictures of the prints...not sure how Sears feels about that and if it's a copyright violation or anything, but hopefully they'll never find out! :)

Nappy Time

Time for a little daddy-daughter nap! Apparently mommy was being annoying with the camera while we were sleeping on the couch!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

it ain't easy being Mi--sha

This mommy stuff is tricky. It's an overwhelming mixture of guilt, awe, fatigue, bliss and crankiness.

Guilt- letting the baby wail because I desperately want a shower, wondering if I'm a terrible person for sometimes really wanting to go back to work, (2 weeks- yikes), realizing it's mid afternoon and the poor puppy is swatting at me and looking anxiously at the door for a reason, looking at dishes from last Wednesday sitting on the counter and just not caring.

Awe- looking at the little tiny veins showing through her white skin and realizing she's a complete and perfect little person- I'm just amazed by all her miniature features from her eyelashes to her pinky toes.

Fatigue- umm... yeah, anyone who's even seen a baby gets this one

Bliss- watching her sleep, feeling her warm little breaths on my neck when she snuggles up against me, watching her eyes light up when she sees me or Daddy, listening to her funny little chuckles and knowing that I'm the one who caused them... too many things to write.

Crankiness (always followed by a healthy dose of guilt!)- will I ever be able to go anywhere ever again, and if I do happen to actually make it out on the town, will I ever be able to eat dinner in a restaurant without holding a squirming crying, sweaty baby?

I'm not complaining. Even on the tough days, she's still the answers to all my prayers, and I'm sure some day the dog will forgive me for the neglect. Poor Misha- it's tough being a big sister, too.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Aubree was pretty mesmeriized by mommy's camara. This little cross-eyed face made me laugh.


"Check out my piggies."

smile time

"My mommy is pretty funny!"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

a serious effort

"hey, this tummy time takes talent!"

so you don't feel left out

Here's the proud grandma.

something in common

Look, Dad, you guys have something in common. :-)
(In my dad's defense, he was nose picking for our entertainment, not just by happenstance... so, I guess that's a good thing... maybe?)

But I don't wanna have my picture taken!

Mommy, I know you like how cute I look in my little jeans, but do I really have to keep sitting here? Okay, fine, then I'm just going to have to pout about it!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Weekend Fun

Hi friends! Thanks for checking out our blog. We would love your comments! Hopefully, you came here to see baby pictures because that's pretty much the purpose of this blog! Chris has already posted most of my favorite pics, but here are a few recent ones. Yes, folks, never seen before images of our little baby girl:
This is Aubree in her little Sunday dress. Ridiculously cute. Did I really claim to dislike pink? I take it back!

Aubree and her daddy-- Looking good!

Chris's parents with all the grandkids: Vivian (2 1/2 weeks younger than Aubree), Aubree & Julia.

Look how cute I am!

"I'm cute, and I can get anything I want!"

The bow is almost as big as her head!

Some girl friends

Here she is with one of our friend's (at the time) 9-month old.

And here's Aubree with another gal about a week older than her.

In the "kiddie pool"

We didn't think Aubree was big enough to swim in grandma and grandpa's pool, so we just used a dishpan up on the deck. She splashed around a bit but wasn't that impressed.

Sleeping in the sun beam

This was a pretty good shot of our two girls taking a nap in the sun!

Goofy or cute?

Goofy faces can be cute too, right?

More cuteness

This one looks like she's had a bit too much to drink!

Tummy time

Tummy time kind of looks like swimming!

Cute baby doing cute things

I know that every parent thinks that their baby is the cutest ever, but I really think we've got a legitimate shot here! See for yourself...

By the way, the pictures in these posts aren't all necessarily in order, so it's may not be a perfect age progression!

One month old

We took these pictures when she was one month old. It's a one year onesie if you're wondering why her clothes don't fit!

All smiles

It was a great day once she started smiling on purpose (instead of it being caused by gas!)

Home at last

She sure does like to sleep!