Okay, the last post probably made you sad, but these cute little faces will hopefully cheer you up again! Here's what's new...
Jada-- she's a hugger-- very phyisical. A couple of nights she was coming at me with a big open mouth looking for some kisses, but I knew that she'd approached Misha with the same offer a few hours prior, so I didn't feel too special. She's a funny, busy, feisty little girl. Everyone that sees her remarks about how happy she is, and I have to agree-- provided she is doing exactly what she wants and getting exactly what she wants she's the happiest little girl on the planet, but woe to those who dare to cross her during this phase. She loves to eat, color (agressively), dance and wrestle with Aubree. Her favorite phrases "No," "Gimme dat!," "I don't want to!" She also throws in a lot of "Please," "thank you," and "no thank you" to balance things out. Oh, and she also does a cool fake sneeze routine and tries to tell knock-knock jokes.
Aubree- She's a singer. When she's off playing, she makes up songs about everything from the Children's Museum to Jada to rainbows, God and Jesus, and the baby in heaven :( Some of them are pretty detailed since they last for 3-4 minutes. She is a sweet, sensitive kid. Sometimes I can't believe she comes up with some of the things she says (sings.) Oh, she also sings her prayers before dinner and bedtime, thanking God for her family, her house, Misha, and thanking Jesus for being in her heart... It's kind of awesome! She also enjoys the wrestling matches with Jada and pulling all the cushions off of the living room furniture and jumping into them (not my favorite activity). This girl loves all things GIRLY... flowers, butterflies, rainbows, pink & purple, unicorns, princesses, etc... It's crazy! She also gets kick out of sand and dirt. She could spend all day at the children's museum playing at the sand table.
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