Jada, did you steal Mommy's remote control?
Friday, September 30, 2011
Just Playing the the Backyard
Too big, too fast!
Aubree is growing up right before our very eyes! She is a little more camera shy than Jada. Her best smiles are first thing in the morning. I love being the one who wakes her up and gets those first little happy grins.
Showing off her new dress on "picture day" at preschool.
Today since it was "picture day" I told her to try to think of something that always made her smile and giggle. She thought about it for awhile and decided on"Tickle Kisses" from Daddy. (He kisses her back and tickles her with his whiskers.)
Here's the little slugger concentrating hard!
She liked sporting her new bibs on library day, and
I liked them because they made my big girl look a little more like a baby!!
She's growing up too fast!
My Smiley Girl
Jada-- you never have to ask her twice to smile for the camera. She says "Cheese" the minute she sees a camera. She's extremely generous with her smiles, but less than cooperative when it comes to standing still for the camera, which is why I suppose I have so many pictures of her trapped in her chair. Here are a few of her cheesiest grins:
This one made me laugh. I caught her just before she decided to climb up into the chair, and she was sassing me.
In the above pic, she was after the camera!
This is just her conversational expression. She's got a lot to say these days.
I tickled her to get this grin! (Forgive me for the hairdo, Jada!)
Her new thing is picking up my purse and heading to the front door while saying "bye-bye."
I guess she's bored at home.
Friday, September 2, 2011
First Day of Preschool
Little buddies
I've got the keys. Let's roll!
Yes, I love you Aubree, but I can't breathe!!
Thanks for the juice!
I'm trying to have a bottle here, sis!!!
Things are pretty physical around here, and even though it looks like Jada is getting the worst of it, she loves every minute of it. While Aubree is napping, Jada stands at the bottom of the stairs hollering, "Aubreeeeeeeeeeee! Aaaaaaaaaaubreeeee!" It's pretty stinking cute!
Zoo Time
We had a fun day at the zoo last week with Chris's sister's family. Their three kiddos and my two kept us pretty busy, so I didn't have time to take many pictures.

The above is Aubree "loving on" Jada.
Nothing like a good face-smooshing to show someone you really care.
Baby Kalina with her mama Kubwa.
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