- Shoes! If you can get ahold of one, it's in your mouth immediately.
- Busting a move! You're crazy about music and dance like crazy, even more than Aubree did at this age.
- Itsy-Bitsy Spider! Cracks you up every time.
- Daddy's mustache and beard. You love Daddy kisses on your back and the back of your neck.
- Walking, now that you've figured it out, you just can't stop! You walk across the room, fall on your bum, and then clap for yourself!
- Peek-a-boo, you've loved it for about 5 months now. You pull your little blankie up over your head and giggle until we say, "Where's Jada?... Peek-a-boo!!"
- Misha, you grab her furry bottom, pull yourself up to standing, and hang on for the ride.
- Your baby swing... you've totally outgrown it, but you still nap there twice a day. You go over and push it around and hit all the buttons when you're tired to get my attention and put you in there.
- Your Mommy and Daddy and Sissy, of course!! You're kind of a mommy's girl right now, but I'm okay with that.
Jada, you are the happiest girl. Complete strangers stop to smile and remark on your cheery little smile and twinkly little brown eyes. It's fun just to take you through the grocery store because you make everyone smile. Although, you have recently begun to reach for everything on the shelves. At age one, we've heard you say: da-da, ma-ma, hi, hey, "bah-toool" (bottle), doggie, papaw, mee-ma, Jada, bye-bye, baby, and just recently, you've actually started saying "Aubree" instead of "bua-bua." I'm kind of going to miss that one. Your big sister thinks you are the best thing ever. She constantly tells us how much she loves "her baby." (A couple of weeks ago she tattled to the doctor, "Sometimes my baby pulls my hair!") She has it coming, considering some of the wrestling moves she puts on you.
We love you so much and just can't believe how fast this first year has gone. You're such a blessing. You make every day brighter. You are our "chill" baby, quick to share smiles, with a crazy little fun head of hair, and always in a good mood (although the teeth have been getting you down a little bit lately!) We love watching you grow and learn new things! Most of all, we just love being around you and sharing everyday with you. Happy first year little one!
Love, Mommy
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