Helping herself to a "smackerel" of honey from Pooh Bear...
as if she's not already sweet enough!

Jada weighed in at a whopping 18 lbs. and 13 oz. at her 9 month appointment. She's gained about 5 lbs. in 3 months. Yay! So she's kind of a big deal.
She has added "mama" and "I wuv" ("I love you") to her vocabulary. She loves making lots of kissy noises and is standing a tiny bit on her own. She can army crawl super fast now. She is always after the dog's bone or a remote control.
Jada weighed in at a whopping 18 lbs. and 13 oz. at her 9 month appointment. She's gained about 5 lbs. in 3 months. Yay! So she's kind of a big deal.
She has added "mama" and "I wuv" ("I love you") to her vocabulary. She loves making lots of kissy noises and is standing a tiny bit on her own. She can army crawl super fast now. She is always after the dog's bone or a remote control.
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