Sheila's going to be jealous, but I have a new hair sylist. haha Here's Aubree brushing my hair (and greatly enjoying it!)
In the picture below I can guarantee that Aubree is saying one of three things.
a.) Awe, she's awake!!
b.) Her eyes are open!!
c.) Awe.. She's so cute. I love her.
I know this because those are the only things she ever says about Jada and she says them CONSTANTLY!
Probably the last picture of Aubree that will feature her beloved paci. (It's on the table.) I tricked her into "giving them away to Zoe-Grace and Aliza." She still has not forgiven me and asks for her paci a few times a day, but we're standing strong.
Here's Aubree with her posse (and sucking on her doll's bottle).
"Baby Daisy" on the left is thankfully no longer named
"Baby Daisy-Donald-Mickey-Goofy-Minnie"
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