Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mama's Top 10

So apparently we just shared our pictures with the fam' and neglected our dear friends, so here are a few of the "glamour shots" for all of you who were feeling out of the loop!

This one is my favorite. Love this little face, and it's the only picture with her full smile.

What more can I say? This is my fearless girl with places to go
and wondering what the hold up is.

I look fairly atrocious in this picture, but I love that maybe I was the motivation for her dreamy little smile, so it makes the list.

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius...

This is a very Aubree expression.

This time her attention was being held by a the metal bolt that she found.

"What is this little anomaly? I must figure out its purpose."

I think she looks like my mom in this picture.

This is my mom's "Doug- you've- got- to- be- kidding- me-!"- face

"Big, strong Daddy, protect me from the scary man with the camera!"

I like this picture because it hides my chins! :-))

" Hurry, Joel, I may never look this tidy and happy at the same time ever again."

This is our Aubree --full of joy!

Tada...and there you have it folks. Mama's top 10 list.
If you're impressed with the shots, visit our buddy: www.joelcookston.com

1 comment:

Joel Cookston said...

these are the best pictures I've ever seen! :)