Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Here are the best buddies!  They were getting married this day-- not to each other!  Catrece was marrying her little bub Tristan, and after giving it a little thought, Aubree decided she was gong to marry Rick (Catrece's daddy!)  lol.  I think he's taken, Aubree!

I'm so thankful for this special little friendship, and just as thankful for the friendship I have with Christy (Catrece's mommy!)  This family is such a blessing in our lives!

Cousins and Buddies

Five of the cutest kids you'll ever see!  Getting these five to stand in a line is quite a feat!  So take it in, it might be awhile before this happens again!  We had to pull Jada out of the sandbox and off of the ground to get her to stand in line.  Once she realized it was time to "cheese," things got a little easier!  
(L-R: Our Jada-bug, Nicolas., Julia, Aubree Rose, and Vivian-- So CUTE!)

We love our cousins!!  It's so fun to get them together (even when it get's a little crazy!)

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Fridge Bandit

This girl just makes me want to laugh and pull my hair out all at once!  Not sure where she found Chris's hat, but I really just turned around, and found her up to this-- 
invading the fridge and helping herself to a Dora yogurt.

Putting on the Ritz

Aubree wearing Shaylen's flower girl dress from our wedding!  
She is very excited about this dress!  I can't believe it's been TEN years since this little dress was worn!

Jada's 2nd Birthday/ Aubree's 4th w/ the Family

 (Rainbow Fruit)

 The rainbow cake with Skittles!
 Make a wish, sweet girl!
Ready for cake!

Happy birthday to my two favorite girls!  We partied all month long!  


 Miss Messy and Miss Tidy
 Cleaning out her brush
 Finger painting + Nose Picking= Face painting
 So Rotten!
So Sweet!

Growing up!

 My little peeps are getting so big!  NOTE:  In my defense, I know I POST more pictures of Aubree, but I TAKE just as many pictures of Jada if not more, I just can't get her to hold still long enough to get a shot that's not blurry!  

Aubree's 4th birthday party!

Aubree had her first birthday party with friends this year.  Here she is with her first guests emptying out her toy box.  (Addison, Aubree, and Audrey)
 Craft time.  Here the girls are making door hangers with their names on them.  (Catrece, Esther, Aubree, Audrey, and Addison)
 Here's Jada having a good time with Catrece!
 Still doing crafts!
 Helping Aubree open her presents.
 Even I got to help!
 Cupcake time!
 Blowing out the Candles!
Checking out the new toys (Jada, Esther, and Catrece)

We had SO much fun at Aubree's princess party!  The girls played dress-up and musical chairs.  Jada played "Cupcake Bandit" and helped herself to cupcakes before cupcake time!  It was a good time!


 Hunting Eggs with Great Aunt Ellen 
 Sporting the Easter Dress and Blue Jeans
 Hugging Time
 The Cousins: Josh, Jada, Weston, Aubree and Nick (L-R)
 The birthday girls!
 Grandpa and Grandma
 Great- Grandma Margie
 She LOVES her new dress!!
 Markers!  Woo hoo!  Jada's favorite!
Here they are again!  :-)

Pre-Easter Egg Hunt

 The great hunter!
 This face cracked me up!
 Picking Grandpa's flowers!
 Aw shucks!
 The loot!
A cute little friend! (Elijah)


 This is Aubree's new "shoulder shrug" pose.  :-)