Aubree's first experience playing in the snow was lots of fun. In this picture she's investigating the snowball Daddy and Mommy were throwing.
After careful study, she draws the conclusion that snow is cold & wet. She's truly a brilliant kid.
After a few snow angels, we went to work on a snowman. It looks like Daddy and Aubree are doing the work, but actually she got too cold, and they left Mommy to finish up.
Here's the finished snowperson. Lovely, but doomed. He toppled over after about an hour. :-( I was sad; Aubree was largely indifferent.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
An update from Jada
This month I did some cool stuff. I learned to say "Dada" and "Jada."
I got halfway good at standing up. I still topple over a bit while sitting, but that's because I just would rather roll around than sit still. I'm awesome at rolling!
An update from Aubree
So, other than Thanksgiving travels, November hasn't been too eventful, and Mom forgot to take pictures at Great-grandma Margie's house. Here's a little update on what we've been up to around here.
"Tent" time is my new favorite thing. Mom was remembering the card table houses of her childhood and decided to surprise me with a few days of tents in the living room. This one is a spacious, fully-decorated one-bedroom. 
This tent has been the coolest one so far, although the one we made yesterday was pretty cozy and had a "kitchen." Mom and Jada came in, and we read stories.
I've been doing a lot of cooking lately. My kitchen is my favorite place to be. As you can see, it is a "pants optional" kitchen, which is fine since I'm not frying any bacon. I only make pretend soup.
For once I decided I would actually smile while Mom was taking my picture. I was having a rare moment of compliancy. I have to take pity on her occasionally.
I have recently decided that Jada is a pretty cool playmate. I get in trouble a lot for pouncing on her. Mom keeps saying, "Be gentle!" I pretty much ignore her. I have figured out that if I run up to her at full speed and screech at her, she usually laughs at me.
but one night Dad and Mom decided I could have my very own Dilly Bar. It was awesome!
I also got a bath that night. I think the events were related.
It's made me a little grumpy, but I'm finally getting better.
Random stuff: This month I got my first tube of cherry chapstick. I can recognize all my uppercase letters and some lowercase. If I'm awake, I always get to wear big girl panties, and I haven't had an accident in looong time. I got to put some ornaments on the Christmas tree. My favorite thing to say this month is "huh?" I say it whenever Daddy or Mommy ask me to do something I don't want to do. I think it's hilarious... they are less amused.
That's about it. Hope you've enjoyed the update!
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