It's not even officially summer yet, but we've been having tons of fun already. Mommy and Jada and I are getting into a good routine around here. Some days are better than others, but this was a good day! Mommy and I made delicious oatmeal cookies. I dumped in all the ingredients and helped stir. I also got a kick out of licking the spoon.

I've taken several trips lately. I got to introduce Jada to Grandma & Grandpa Cain's house and the joys of Logansport. I rode a BIG carousel. Gotta be honest, I was a little intimidated. I decided to stay off the horses and just snuggle up to Grandpa on a bench. I actually had a great time, although in this picture you can tell I had missed my naptime.

We also took Jada to meet her Great-Grandma Fark in Ohio. It was a nice, WARM day, and I got to play outside.