Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer fun!

Here is Aubree in her new swing. We got ambitious over Memorial Day weekend and constructed a pretty nifty little swing-n-slide (with the help of mis padres and Rick!
Thanks, guys!)

She loves her swing. She goes to the back door and says "Wee!" It's pretty irresistible. She also babbles non-stop while she swings. The swing set was definitely worth the investment!

She also got to take her first swim at Rick and Christy's this weekend. Here she is with Catrece taking a dip.

It's good to be one!

Tis' the season of first birthdays.
Here are some pictures of Aubree's little cousin Vivian's first party and her pal Catrece's first party.
Hey Catrece, show us how old you are!! Here's Vivi and her first birthday cake!
At Vivi's party, Aubree mostly looked on with interest while presents were being opened...

The next week at Catrece's party, she jumped right in to help.
She's so lucky to have a buddy and a cousin less than a month younger than her!
We love you guys!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Getting big!

Aubree loves her new forward facing seat.

Even though you can only see three, she actually has at least 5 teeth that are through.

Mother's Day "zerberts"

She loves being outside.
She may be looking like a little girl, but she still sleeps like my baby.

Monday, May 4, 2009

All She Wants to Do is Dance, Dance, Dance!

Here's Aubree showing off some of her classic moves. My girl's a dancer!

Aubree took care of Daddy all by herself this weekend while I was off to a women's retreat in Gatlinburg. I had an awesome time, but I was glad to back to the fam'. I got to meet one of my favorite bands, Casting Crowns and get their autographs. Super nifty! 18 more days of school, not that I'm counting down or anything! Life is good 'round here!